Friday, April 26, 2013


I am interested now what?
First you need a place to put your coupons. At first I got a coupon binder usually sold at dollar stores its simple and you can label each section. Some people also like the baseball card binders. Some do envelopes. I myself have been threw each of those except the baseball binder. I found my nitch and what works best for me is these photo albums. They are different colors and I have four right now. You can CLICK HERE to read about the different Filing Methods!

I watched extreme couponers can I really do that?
Okay lets be honest here. That show gives a basic idea but not the full picture. They are mostly held in states where they double coupons and well most of the time a store does not have all that stock on hand its for the show. Can you save 100's? YES! Can you learn to do it in a week? MAYBE! Can you read all of this and save yourself a few dollars DEFINETLY! Buy the paper on Sunday buy two papers invest two dollars and I will tell you how to turn that $2 investment into a lot of savings. You can CLICK HERE to see my best couponing trips of 2012!

I look at coupons but you know I really do not use that stuff?
Really what are you eating? What do you bathe with? What do you use then? There are coupons for no salt food, vegan food, organic food, and so forth. You can use them. Will you be able to buy what you want all the time. Hey it is your money spend as you wish. But if you want to save. You have to start buying what you have coupons for that week. If you stock up on what you have coupons for then you will see bigger savings then you may be able to say okay since I saved $30 on these items I can splurge and buy this. It is up to you how you want to do things and how far you want to take it.

How many coupons do I need to start?
No matter what number you choose it must be in multiples of 2. That way you can get the best savings on the buy one get one sales. Most stores such as grocery stores will allow you to use one on each of the items other pharmacy type stores such as walgreens will not let you.

Where do I get my coupons from?
The first place to start off is with those good ole Sunday Paper's. You can also print coupons off websites. If you look under my other documents there are links to these such sites. You can also find coupons from blinkies which are those little coupons at the stores located in the product isles. Another way is in coupon books that grocery stores give out. Check at your stores counters or in displays about the store. Also check around the internet. My favorite and most informative site is The ladies who run that site are a true god send. You can also buy coupons in muliples threw coupon clipping sites and also ebay.

Can I use more then one coupon on an item?
If you have read my couponing 101 then you will know that most of the time the answer is yes. Dealing with Walgreens well your answer may be no. Publix definitely. My favorite store and where I mostly do my shopping is the best store when it comes to coupons. They will take a manufactures coupon, and either a competitor coupon (those are listed on the front door or at customer service desk) or their store coupon per item. Which means A ton of savings!

Is there anything else that I need that may be helpful and make things easier?
I could not live without my paper cutter. I get my coupon inserts. I match them all up and then I go threw it match all the papers and then cut and cut and cut. If you are just using two or four papers well then you are more then welcome to use them scissors.

What is the best way to organize?
Everyone will have their own way or sorting their coupons. I have those famous photo albums which are small enough to fit in my purse and strong enough to hold all my coupons. I have four right now. 1. Meats and Condiments 2. Food Drinks and Pet Stuff 3. Meds and Household 4. Junk Food and Personal Items. But it is however you would like just this way works for me. It is easy and I know where they all are. Also if I have more then one coupon type I will put them all together on the same page so I can see. For example on my Raid I just did. It was in the Household and In one slot was the target coupon for raid in the other slot under it was the Publix coupon for raid and then next to that was the manufactures coupon for it. You will get to know your coupons after awhile and know what you have. You can CLICK HERE to see an example of filing by category.

Any advise that you can give me to make the most of my shopping trip?
The most important thing is to never leave home without your coupons. NEVER! You never know when a store is going to have an item on clearance or marked down. It happens and if you do not have the coupon you are well your going to say damn I should of had that coupon. Find a store you like. I LOVE PUBLIX!!!!!!! Try to get to know your managers and cashiers and trust me it will all work out for the best for you if they know who you are. I go to the same store at least three times a week to shop. The cashiers all know me the managers come over without even asking and some times they even close the line.

Any rules I should know about?
DO NOT TAKE IT ALL! Okay if there are two left by all means you lucked out. But if you are loaded down with coupons and you get to the store and fill your cart with bologna and leave nothing left for no one else. Well that is just wrong! All you have to do is go to customer service and pre order what you need. They call you when they get the stock in and they will bring it to the cashier when your ready to be checked out. But this is for the extreme couponers. But again if you get tehre and there are two left by all means get them. BUT IF YOU ARE AN EXTREME COUPONER DO NOT CLEAR THE SHELF EVER...NO NEED FOR GREED!

I am at the store I am checking out and I am freaking out here what do I do?
Okay first of all calm down. The people behind you will either love what you are doing or be pissed off that they got behind you. For here you are with a cart filled of food and the cashier has to call a manager over to get numbers. Well guess what the person behind you will live. As long as you have the right amount of items with the right coupons and followed the rules to a tee you will be fine and you will walk out saving more and more each time.

Do I need to attend a coupon class to learn how to coupon?
Well that all depends on you. Some people are self taught and others need to be in a class type setting in order to learn something and if you are that type of person then by all means. Will you learn anything more then what I am telling you. Ummm.. maybe maybe not. My advise is free because I am here because I want to try to help others who want to learn and want to do this. There are some couponers who are well known and their classes are worth attending for they are at the top of their game.


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