Monday, October 14, 2013

If you can not read you can not coupon. Gas X Coupon In Depth

In this post I am not going to dazzle you with cute or funny photos because this post is all about knowing how to read and not just look at the picture.


Not only the black and white but you have to learn how to read between the lines and use your common sence and also your knowledge as a couponer and experience and realize that not every answer you come up with will be a happy one that will benefit you.

Let's take the most recent $10 off 3 certain product which included Gas X and Benefiber Products. There is no size restriction mentioned but the coupon does read  We will reimburse you for the lesser of the face value of this coupon OR the retail price of this product. Now let's use your knowledge and experience to look back at other coupons that are out for $5 off 2 or $3 off 2 all of those state (minus the P&G which all have their own wording) all current 2013 coupons as these will state on them We will reimburse you for the face value of this coupon as of course with the exceptions of ones who state otherwise. Now I can email the company and ask them but I already know the answer here...

Yes I know...There has been so many different coupons that have come out lately that some people read the coupon in different ways more or less to suit their needs. I can say I did a search for $10/3 Gas X Coupon and saw the deal posted as HOT MONEY MAKER on several popular sites followed by hundreds of thousands of people. They to me seem to post the deal and move forward to the next one but 99.9% of the more popular sites posted this days ago. Others just followed suit.

See this is how it works. Bloggers who do what I do have ways or connections of seeing coupons and ad's before they are released and we share that information with you. There are sites that even list the coupons that will come out in each Sundays Papers like here. BUT as you can see all the sites do is list what coupons will be in the paper it does not state the limits or all the wording on the coupon itself. That information is not known till the paper comes out so match ups where posted on the Gas-X as early as last Wednesday.

SOME coupon pages did change their view and list it as a FREEBIE but not a money maker. Others left it as it was but you will see comments such as Did they scan okay for you? Others are commenting about how it is the manufacturers fault for not putting size restrictions or the stores not having registers that would beep so the cashier could enter in the price of the product. Some store are taking it and there are some stores that are not taking it. Some people are claiming that the wording is communication from the manufacturer to the retailer and not to the consumer. As with anything in this world and I see it almost every week with coupons is that if a coupon is put out some will dissect it and find any way to use it to benefit them there are even sites that focus on ways to get around and beat the system more or less. It happens... there is good and bad.

I am not saying that you should use the coupon to see if you can get over. You should use the coupon because you need the product or because you want it for free so you can get other things that you want for free and maybe do the right thing by not getting so greedy and buying 12. Stores may or may not loose money on this coupon. But if it does and you see item prices rising or coupons lowering than you will understand why.

I am a blogger that runs her sites on my knowledge and what I think and with over 90,000 clicks within a 7 month time frame I think my opinion and the way that I see things must count as something. I have been couponing and helping others for years. I have a good heart and I am trying to help others have the same good ethics that are needed to have a great time couponing and saving money.

I am about teaching people the right way showing them how to be a smarter shopper. Teaching them how to do the math on the coupons to get the best deals and I like showing them how to read the coupons and go with what they have learned and to use there judgement correctly because what you do today will effect you or someone else tomorrow in some form or another.



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