Saturday, April 20, 2013

Is it a Store Coupon or a Manufactuers Coupon?

Today I did a coupon class and it was brought to my attention that some people that are new to couponing really do not know the difference between a store coupon and a manufactures coupon. So I figured that I would try to get this all straighten out for you to understand this so that you will be able to sue the coupon properly.

Above you will see a page from a book put out by Publix. It shows a page with (2) Coupons on it One is for Stacy's Chips and the other is for StarKist Tuna. If you see them they both kind of look the same. They both say redeem at Publix and they both are found in a Coupon Book Found at Publix StoresBUT THEY ARE DIFFERENT! 

The Stacy's Coupon (those are some good chips) is a manufactures coupon. Manufactures coupons have two things that store coupons mostly do not. This coupon has instructions on how the coupon is to be used and limits and a remit to address on the coupon if you read it. It also has a barcode so the store can scan it. But the things to look for are a bar code and a remit to address. If it has them then you have yourself a manufactures coupon
You may still be asking yourself but it says redeem at Publix! I am confused?!#$$%$@ 

Here is the thing Publix would like for you to use it at your store. But you do not have to you can use it anywhere. Same as the coupons that say redeem at Walmart with a remit to address and a bar code. I think what is going on here is the manufacture is putting it out and maybe if the coupon IS REDEEMED at the store it states maybe they win a pizza party or something LOL... But really you should not have any issues as long as you look for those things. 

The Starkist is a store coupon. Although it does have instructions on how the coupon is to be used it does not have a remit to address nor does it have a bar code. All Publix coupons have LU#'s or Look Up Numbers. The cashier does not scan the coupon rather they enter in the LU# into the register and it is centralized to know that when the cashier types in 14631 the register knows that number knows to put $1.00 off 4 Starkist

Other Stores like Target it will say on the top of the coupon TARGET coupon instead of Manufacture or if you print it from the Target Website and it is a store coupon it will say TARGET WEB COUPON. That means it is a store coupon. Winn Dixie Same thing if you find one of those they will say WINN DIXIE STORE COUPON on the top. Although it has a bar code the Publix that you use it at will enter it as a competitor coupon.

Hope that clears it all up for you! If you have any questions or would like me to answer a question and explain it feel free to email me and I will be happy to explain anything that you may not be understanding. 


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