Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gettting my feet wet in writting again!

Well I finally got my feet wet ....again!

Although this is not my first published writing, it is something that at this point in my life I am proud about. For those who do not know when I was younger I was into poetry. I loved to write poetry and have had a few poems published in different outlets. 

Back before they had computers or the internet....I had a typewriter some white out and a coupon box (lol) filled with every publishing company in the whole united stated on index cards. I have a book just as big as my coupon binder filled with poems that I have written. Some more mushy and sappy as the next. LOL...

I am older now and couponing is my passion. I mean I guess at one point I couponed because I HAD to now I just do it because I want to. I want to use what I have learned to help others. It is amazing for me to know that others feel this same need and want. 

I guess just like my poetry written years ago it was written to help me and it winded up being something to help others. 

Guess somethings never change.  

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