Monday, April 22, 2013


Everyone has been seeing Kotexs on all of my trips lately and have asked me what the deal is so here is what is going on with those. 

These are priced at $3.45 at my store!

In the 3/24 SS you will find the below coupon for $2/2 


In the Purple Flyer found at the front of the store you will find this coupon for $3/2

Pair them together like this... 

They are priced at my store for $3.45 
You can find a $2/2 Coupon in the 3/24 SS
Pair that with the $3/2 Publix Coupon in the Purple Flyer 
Your total before coupons is $6.90
BUT after coupons you end up paying $1.90
That is less then $1.00 each!

If you want to do a mega deal you would do it as follows:
buy (8) 27.60 plus tax (may need filler to get you to $30.00)
use (4) $2/2 and pair with (4) Publix $3/2 and a $5 off $30.

So again try to get closest to $30.00 without going under and after all coupons it will deduct $25.00! Yes that is correct $25.00! 

So if you are at $30.00 you will pay about $5.00 for 8 packs of Kotex and your small filler. That is less then about 63 cents a pack. 

Now that should keep you stocked for a bit! If not do it again. :)

Also remember with the mega deal please do not clear shelves.

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