Saturday, April 26, 2014

Being a New Mom Tips!

Hard to believe that my baby boy is now 3 weeks old and everyday changing more and more. I love the way that when he cries and I pick him up and tell him it will be alright he calms right down.

But even though this is not my first rodeo and I have two other boys at home I have not done this for over 5 years and a lot has changed since then with the products. But I am here to help you and tell you what I have found key to making these first few weeks easy and will save you some time and money.

First the car seats that they have out now are not really adjustable to cover the babies face from the sun. As you can see from the photo above they stretch over the back and the front does not move up to cover the baby from the weather. 

Hey I live in Florida and I need to cover the baby more...But they do make car seat canopy's which come in various styles and the best part is If you click the link below you can get one for free!

All you have to do is click the photo above and  select any canopy you would like (be sure to go to their sizing page so you can get the right size carrier for you). Once you have selected your size, you will automatically be directed to the "shopping bag" where you can enter the promo code “ENBABY” just pay shipping!

Thanks Bettinas Mom Blog Spot for the Photo!
Outfits like the one above where the best for my little guy. I loved the fact that it kept him warm and also the most important part was that it had the hand covers (or mittens) attached which helped so much. Because the last thing that I wanted was to have my babies face all scratched up from those long finger nails. 

They give you these binkies at the hospital and my second son and my new baby loved them. Actually my little guy is sitting here right now sucking on it and biting my finger. Yes it is taking me twice as long to type with one hand but my baby comes first. But I would recommend taking one of these home with you. 

Love these diapers and since the hospital gave me tons I am 3 weeks in and still have two more packs left. Yes while your at the hospital they fill your bassinet all the time with diapers and your free to take what is left and they also give you a nice size care package to take home with you. I liked these due to the umbilical cord cut out and do plan on getting another pack or two before switching to the next size. And yes I will be using a coupon and you can too.. just got to huggies web site to get them or click here!
As a couponer I did not stock up on too many diapers because my other children I had to go threw several brands before I found one that they did not get a rash from or did not leak. 

I did stock up on wipes whenever I had the chance though. 
Since I coupon I was not going to pay more then 50 cents for a pack of name brand baby wipes and that was pushing it! 
So when Publix came out with the $2 off anything $2 or more and a matching $.50/1 Huggies wipes I spent a lot of time going to Publix to use my coupons and stock up on the one thing I know my baby would use and use a ton of for years and years to come. 
Going to Yard Sales does not make you cheap it makes you smart. 
During my pregnancy I went to a yard sale and I still kick myself for not stocking up more it was the best baby yard sale I saw in awhile. I got all name brand clothes for the baby for $1.00 each. 
I also got a brand new vibrating chair for $10.00 and also got a changing table, a complete set of and bibs to last my son for years for about $40.00! So if your having a baby check out your local yard sales and check out all those HOT deals.

Having kids is a ton of work but it is also the greatest thing ever and I awake each morning along with the three best parts of my life. 

I love being a mother and each day is a new experience.


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