Friday, December 6, 2013

What to do when you are faced with a coupon or deal your not sure of?

Today I was asked A LOT about the Walgreens IVC coupon code floating about the internet on several groups and boards and if I knew about the deal and if I can help them.

I did NOT post the information on the site I saw this as early as last night and it was on a forum and even the people on this forum known for glitches and craziness banned the talk or usage of this coupon for within minutes the Catatlina was scanned photo shopped, cropped, edited, and who knows what else. 

As far as coupon sites available on the internet openly I saw it posted on maybe one or two sites that openly admitted where the coupon came from. 

I will break this whole thing down so that next time you are more knowledgeable if faced with this situation.  
What is an IVC CODE? 

Walgreens IVC codes are like Publix LU# as to they are only redeemable at Walgreens and most of the time come from either a Walgreens Coupon Book, The Monthly Coupon Books found at the store, and in this case a coupon that printed out for a guest which is called a Catalina. The coupons are to be used as they are meant to be used and any other way is fraud. 

How this Happened?

What occurred today was that someone posted a coupon that they had received from the store on a very controversial application called Snip Snapp and I do not know of one coupon sites that promotes this application for many many reasons. Basically the application was started so you can scan your coupons to the application and take them with you wherever you go. Once it is loaded to the application you can view, share, or use anyother coupon viewed or shared. Sound crazy? It is! 

The first thing wrong is that manufacture coupons have a non transfer that voids a coupon of it is copied or transferred as this site is doing. There are also free product and high value coupons issued to one person now being shared by thousands by bar code. 

I do not know any store in any area that actually allows the use of this application will now back up my information with some articles Publix and Target order a cease and desist. 

How to check for yourself? 
Okay now if you are still not sure what to do then check out reputable sites for some insight on what to do. For instance since this deal was at Walgreen's the most accurate information if there was a valid deal going on would come from a site known for posting deals at Walgreen's called Wild For Wags. 

There is no mention on that site for any deal on Toilet paper and if you check out the Facebook page there is a person who bought the Nice Toilet Paper and had the Catalina Print for her in which she used it over 2 days ago. So yes there is a Catalina printing (or was). 

Investigating deeper I went to the site known for walking the line with Walgreens such as glitches and double dipping. and posted there was this note from an admin on the page that read "Any post promoting the fraudulent use of coupons will be deleted...using a code for a Catalina regardless if it works or not is had to purchase something from the store to get the coupon." 

Experience is always key? 

Now from experience I can tell you that Publix, Walgreens, CVS, or any other store does not say hey here is a coupon code go use it in my store and get some free stuff. The only place you will find codes is on the internet besides that a very large majority of the stores especially in this area will not let you just walk into a store and give them a code from some coupon. 

Always look to others who are more experienced and that you trust for the correct information. Following what people do can only sometimes get you in trouble. Think for yourself. I saw people get in on this deal and now for some reason there points are wiped totally clean out of their Walgreen's Cards. Now if that has anything to do with what they did or not I do not know. 

Difference between a Glitch and what Occurred? 

Now I did hear rumors that it was a glitch? A glitch is a mistake or error on the stores computer system or on a website. You go and you order something or buy something and if the "glitch" is there you get the item. A glitch has nothing to do with you the consumer doing anything in part it is 100% the stores mistake. 
This was not a glitch... there was no error or mistake till you the consumer handed over the coupon. 

Final Thought!

Now if you used the coupon I am not here to judge you on that I am just here to help people know the difference and to be more informed and I agree totally that the stores themselves should not allow someone to walk in and give a code and as stated locally they normally do not. So yes the stores do get some blame.
As I always say if you feel something to be wrong then do not do it and if you do just know that what you do today can have effects on what you can and can not do tomorrow.

Trust me there is always another great deal around the corner.


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